If you did a quick survey in our office and asked us what’s the number one tip, we could share with homeowners who want to get their property sold or let quickly and for a great price it would be declutter.   That’s right. You&rsqu... read more »
Everyone with children knows that the point between calm and chaos is often virtually non-existent.  You could have made your home look like perfection and behind you, the little darlings are unravelling your hard work. Living in a home you&rsqu... read more »
When you have your home up for sale, time seems to stand still. You’re in limbo, caught between your old life, and your new one, with no way of knowing when you’ll be able to move on – both literally and emotionally.   As the... read more »
When your house is for sale, it’s exciting to get a viewing booked. After all, that viewer could become a buyer!   It’s important then to make sure your house is looking its absolute best, and dressed to impress, so we’ve cre... read more »
How houseplants can help win over buyers in Wokingham   Finding ways to bring the outside in is nothing new in interior design, but this year it seems we are allowing nature to reclaim our homes.  When it comes to preparing your home for ... read more »
The private rental sector has over 150 regulations and pieces of legislation to follow, but to keep your property compliant it’s important you understand your basic responsibilities.  If you’re a new landlord in Wokingham, or have ju... read more »