Many homeowners in Wokingham often wonder when the perfect time is to put their property on the market.   Interestingly, there are those who believe the leap year might hold the key to a successful sale. But is there any truth to this or is it... read more »
You’ve likely heard of Dry January, where a commitment to not drinking alcohol during the first month of the year is made.   You may be aware of Stoptober, a campaign that runs throughout October to get people to give up smoking.  ... read more »
Despite facing a challenging year, the prospects for the UK's real estate sector seem set for improvement. The housing market in the UK is revealing signs of revitalisation with increased numbers of prospective home buyers and potential sellers. &nb... read more »
From Corgis to cockatiels and Poodles to ponies – there’s no doubt we Brits love our animals. And is it any wonder why?    Pets make loyal and loving companions, can alleviate anxiety and loneliness, reduce blood pressure and ... read more »
They say selling a home is a marathon, not a sprint, but what happens if your sale is progressing at a snail’s pace or going nowhere?   How can you get things back on track and find a buyer who will go the distance? One option – an... read more »
Random Acts of Kindness Day is this Saturday 17th February.   The idea of a day to perform random acts of kindness began in America in 1995. It’s spread globally and is a great opportunity to show how small, thoughtful actions can have a... read more »