Scrabble isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but love it or hate it, Scrabble has been around for a long time. There’s even a National Scrabble Day… however it appears we missed it this year as it was 13th April!   If it&rsqu... read more »
Just the thought of moving home can make you break out into a cold sweat. It’s a life experience that many people think of as one of the most stressful things you can do. So how can you minimise those feelings of anxiety?   If you’... read more »
If a kitchen is the heart of a home, then the bathroom is the brains. It’s where you go to relax and unwind, where you do some of your deepest thinking and it’s an area that could make or break a potential sale.   Buyers need to im... read more »
Selling your home can be an emotional experience, especially if you have lived there for many years. It’s hard to let go of the memories that come to life as you reminisce.   When it comes to selling, you need to be able to emotionally d... read more »
Spring is the season of new beginnings; it is no surprise that it can also be a popular time for people to decide to move home. Yet it has been a rocky road to the housing market over the last few months, and therefore, we know you will be grateful f... read more »
The ancient Chinese practice of feng shui literally means ‘wind’ and ‘water’. So, is it a valuable guide for harmonious living or a load of hot air?    Even if you don’t know exactly what feng shui ... read more »