Hot, hot, hot! We’re not describing the weather we had a few days ago (but hasn’t it been amazing?), we’re talking about the UK property market right now.    With a fast and vibrant market such as this, it could be easy ... read more »
Welcome to the emotional ride that is buying a home in Wokingham.    When you are spending so much money, you want to make sure you choose the right investment.   The process is exciting, complicated and, let’s face it, a lit... read more »
Whether we’re in an active market like we are now, or one that moves in a slower pace, there is still a percentage of homes that can struggle to sell.  On the surface, it can be hard to understand why, but as an experienced agent within Wo... read more »
Spring is usually a very busy time for the property market in Wokingham.   This year, it's exceptionally busy for us because buyers are hunting the market to satisfy their new needs amidst a background of cheap mortgages and the stamp duty ho... read more »
If you’re looking to buy a home in Wokingham at the moment you may have a ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ (FOMO), and who could blame you?    With a distinct lack of properties on the market and an abundance of buyers all wanting ... read more »
When moving home, it’s always a kind of chicken and egg situation, you will no doubt have been looking online for your potential next home, but you’re also curious about the value of the home you already own.  But when you own a prop... read more »