We all tell a white lie or two now and again, it could be the cost of those shoes that suddenly appeared in the wardrobe, or that stunning unique lamp that you just had to have in your home office.  Yet as innocent a slip of the tongue it may be... read more »
We have always been man’s best friend, but it seems this year more and more humans have been wanting to give us a home.  They’ve been spending more time in their homes, and so have felt they have the time to help us settle into their... read more »
When Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the temporary stamp duty exemption back in July, there was excitement in the air. Those who had been thinking of moving in a few years started to have discussions on whether they should do it sooner. Families who... read more »
Your house in Wokingham is your home, and so it’s completely normal to feel an emotional connection with it –  as they say, home is where the heart is.    Yet we all know the experience of selling your home can make those... read more »
Creating an ideal home learning space in Wokingham for your children   Whether you’re ready for it or not, our Wokingham children are now back at school.  This year has been such a tough one for them; they have experienced a classro... read more »
Not even a pandemic can put people off moving home in Wokingham and we have certainly seen an increase in buyers over the last couple of months. One thing that’s for sure is that the buyers we’re seeing at Quarters Residential are serious... read more »