Do you remember the excitement you felt when buying your first home? The moment it caught your eye, the viewing when you fell in love, and the joy as your offer was accepted…    Your first home in Berkshire we are sure has brought ... read more »
There is always an air of excitement when you accept an offer – you’ve found your new home and you can’t wait to move in and make it your own.  But now you’re entering the sales process, that period of time where wobbles... read more »
As we’ve been confined to our Wokingham homes for such a long time in Wokingham, we need them to be a space of calm.    Our homes are more than where we live, they are now schools and workplaces too, and it’s important that th... read more »
In Wokingham we have certainly been busy with new properties coming onto the market and buyers eager to view.  Lockdown has meant we have spent many an hour at home and, as such, you could have been contemplating what improvements you could make... read more »
The last few days has seen the lights come back on for our high street, as non-essential shops have started to tentatively open.    We are still doing things with caution and distance, but slowly and surely life is starting to open up a b... read more »
Life has a funny way of showing us what’s important, and the coronavirus pandemic and recent research has shown that homebuyers’ priorities have certainly shifted in Wokingham. Your home will have been a crucial factor in determining your... read more »