What a winter it has been. With horrendous rainfall and storms causing devastating flooding across the country, it’s no wonder that moving home may not have been front of your mind.  But as we move into spring there is a sense of new begin... read more »
When you’re buying a property in Wokingham it can be easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of what it can offer you as a home that you may not have checked whether it is freehold or leasehold.  If you’ve not heard of these two ter... read more »
Although it may only feel like yesterday since you were packing away the last signs of Christmas, the months of the New Year are starting to run away.  And whilst you may have already set plans in motion for your rental properties at Quarters Re... read more »
There are a whole wealth of emotions wrapped up into selling your home; you have to part ways with a property you once loved, whilst you start your quest for the next one that will steal your heart.  The ups and downs of the process can sometime... read more »
One of the most crucial decisions you can make when deciding to sell your home in Wokingham is your choice of estate agent.  You need to be picky to ensure that the estate agent you choose is right for you and your home.  The right estate a... read more »
At Quarters Residential we want every seller to be able to maximise the potential within their home and achieve the highest possible price.  To do this you need to prepare your home for sale and one of the most important – yet often overlo... read more »