A Comfortable Home Office


Home offices are slowly becoming less of an ‘added bonus’ and more of a ‘must have’ for many properties on the market today.


With remote working on the rise and more people spending their days indoors, a home office needs to be a calm, constructive and comfortable space to work in.


In this article, we’ll share our top four easy ways to make your home office more comfortable when you’re working from home every day.


1. Invest in a Good Chair

This is so important! If you’re feeling uncomfortable in your home office, your choice of chair could be the issue. Investing in a high-quality, ergonomic chair can make a world of difference to how supported and relaxed you feel throughout your working day. It could even make you more productive!


2. Upgrade Your Desk

Space can be another reason why your home office doesn’t feel comfortable. If you have a small desk that makes everything feel cramped, this could be affecting how positive you feel when working in your office.

If you’ve got the space, upgrade to a bigger desk more suitable for your needs. Make sure you choose a style big enough to fit all your essential equipment on without feeling cramped.


3. Tailor the Lighting

Is your home office too dark? Or too bright?

A healthy dose of natural light is ideal for a home office to keep you feeling awake and productive. But too much sunlight can cause glare on your screen making it difficult to work without squinting!

If this sounds like a familiar issue, think of ways to make your home office comfortable all year round. Invest in a pair of light-filtering curtains, day and night blinds or a good lamp. Any of these things can help tailor the lighting in your home office to suit your needs and make you feel more comfortable.


4. Regulate Temperatures

Being too hot or too cold in your home office can undoubtedly affect how comfortable you feel. Regulating temperatures can be tricky, especially if your home office is in a small room that gets very hot or is in an open-plan area that gets very cold! But an optimum temperature will make a huge difference to how comfortable you feel.


Final Thoughts

Making a home office more comfortable will mean different things for different people but our simple tips will give you a better idea of how to make your space more pleasant for you to work in.


If you’re interested in learning more about how a good home office can affect the resale value of your property, contact Nick or Teresa at Quarters Residential Estate Agents, Wokingham on 0118 466 0292 (call or WhatsApp) or e-mail [email protected] – we’re here to help!


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